about her
My name is Jay (or Janna) and I am a part-time crossdresser currently living in Dallas, TX. Aside from pretending to be a girl, my hobbies include collecting firearms, biking, cool cars and camping. If you randomly strike up a conversation with me, lead with one of those topics and I’ll likely open up, otherwise I’m a bit of your typical bashful, introvert.
I started crossdressing when I was 17, but I knew I liked being a girl way before then. A lot has happened in the decade since then, my closet has multiplied by a thousand fold, I’ve come out to family, friends and multiple girlfriends (with varying results), and my makeup skills have vastly improved (or at least I like to think). But most of all, I have gotten to actually know and accept myself. I want to create this site to share my thoughts and experiences so that hopefully it’ll help someone else going through the same journey get to know themselves better as well. If nothing else, I guess you’ll get to know me.
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